Monthly Archives: December 2014

Shout out to the World!

As one year draws to close and a new one is about to explode into life, I just wanted to take the time to say a big thank you, to everyone from all over the world who have taken the trouble to drop by and view my little site. I hope you found something of interest here.

I have had over 40,000 views now and visitors from over 100 countries, a fact that never ceases to amaze me!

Lots more exciting stuff to come next year, so stay tuned!


Painted Big T !!!

Still need to finish off base a bit…I kept it simple, plain shirt, slacks!

I also modified his gun arm position a little…I used hot water for a few seconds then gently moved arm up and in…..then set it in cold water!

Here he is at a photoshoot outside the Pork Store / Meat market


Big T 5bbBig T 10bbBig T6bbBig T 3b